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Welcome to Beach Bluff Park


Beach Bluff Park, a small oceanfront park owned and cared for by the CIA, is open to the public and enjoyed in every season, year round. There is much of interest here for visitors who stroll the paths of Beach Bluff Park or use the steps to the beach.

Sun Circle Restored

Immediately noticeable is the spectacular Sun Circle designed and installed by sculptor Bruce Greenwald with help from astronomer Jim Keating. This ring of naturally formed basalt columns provides a place for meditation, scientific observation, and small ceremonies. Ceremonial participatory events are held at the Sun Circle four times a year — at solstice and equinox sunrises.

Flowers at 2018 Summer End

The plantings in the park include bayberry, tamarisk, blueberry, rosa rugosa, and more. Nestled among the walkways and grasses are several benches that afford a place to rest or picnic while enjoying unparalleled views of the ocean.

What a Sunrise

On the beach below, Flirtation Rock (Pig Rock) juts its marbled basalt out to the left and marine life inhabit its tidal pools while shore birds wheel overhead.

The tidal change from less than 9 feet to over 13 feet , depending on the moon phase, is thrilling and undeniable as the beach disappears twice daily.